The fundamental principle of Wing Chun is
“Receive what comes, follow what goes and strike when there is emptiness.”
Wing Chun has a logical progression and is a complete fighting system.
Wing Chun basic & advanced forms:
Siu Nim Tao – Chum Kiu -Biu Gee – Wooden Dummy – Weapons Advanced Forms: Long Pole – Butterfly Knives.
“The best self defense is to be invisible. If you cannot be invisible, then learn Wing Chun”
Quote by Wong Shun Leung
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Ip man with a young Bruce Lee
Master Loukas Kastrounis ‘No-nonsense’ Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Reading Academy Wing Chun – Loukas Kastrounis
BBC documentary – Loukas Kastrounis
‘A technique we use for training is known as ‘Chi Sao’. Chi Sao is a combat-like game where the practitioner has to simultaneously use both sides of their brain in order to deliver a response to their training partner. Generally this is an intense, enjoyable exchange of ideas. In Chi Sao, we should be patient but be prepared for surprises. Perhaps one training partner is deliberately making mistakes in order to make the other respond in a specific way. The game proceeds with stalemate after stalemate until suddenly, an opening appears. A highly trained arm slips into the gap with a punch, the other practitioner doesn’t respond quickly enough. Bang! “Oh-sorry.” They rest for a moment, while one of them goes to tidy up a bloody lip. They talk through what happened, why and how it happened and how it could have been prevented.’
The words Wing Chun Kuen have a number of English translations. The meaning of the word ‘Wing’ is eternal, implying that the art is with you forever – it is in you at all times and strengthens any actions or activities you undertake. Over the years the fighting aspects of Wing Chun have been stressed. It is important to make clear that Wing Chun is not only a system of fighting. If that’s what someone wishes to learn, they may as well learn how to use a gun. There are many other benefits to this art. It is an intense cardiovascular workout that helps eliminate muscular pain, maintain fitness, stamina, general health, coordination, balance, awareness, and self-control.
The training requires time and self-discipline, teaching one how to not only react in a combat situation but also in daily life. A practitioner learns to act on intelligence and not on anger, pride, fear, or stress. Wing Chun focuses on directness, simplicity and economy of motion, ‘The art of being lazy!’ as sifu Nino Bernardo always says.
Interview by Neil Parris. Loukas Kastrounis on forms
The training requires time and self-discipline, teaching one how to not only react in a combat situation but also in daily life. A practitioner learns to act on intelligence and not on anger, pride, fear, or stress. Wing Chun focuses on directness, simplicity and economy of motion, ‘The art of being lazy!’ as sifu Nino Bernardo always says.
Studying Wing Chun teaches a student about themselves, their body mechanics and helps develop an understanding of emotional reactions. Wing Chun promotes the best in oneself and how to eliminate their less positive aspects. Wing Chun is a system that encompasses the entire body and mind – it is not a martial art, it is a martial skill. It is simple but it isn’t easy. You need to delete your old condition to allow the natural one to come out.
Master Loukas Kastrounis’ interpretation of Wing Chun
‘A lot of people confuse martial arts and fighting – they are not the same, although there are certain overlaps and parallels. I think of Wing Chun as a tool that can be used in many different ways, not just used for fighting.’
‘My advice to my students is that if they are going to fight, it’s better to just fight and to not get too hung up on the individual techniques in the midst of a fight. However if we remove the violent intent, we can develop good Wing Chun which will then provide the opportunity to study the human body, biomechanics, structure etc. This is a healthier attitude!’
‘The Wong Shun Leung Way’

The fundamental principle of Wing Chun is “receive what comes, follow what goes and strike when there is emptiness.”