Dvd 1

Siu Lim Tao

This DVD is based on first wing chun form & applications.

Dvd 2

Inquisitive Hands

This DVD is based on the
concepts of the Wing Chun system with in-depth explanations.

Dvd 3

Beyond the fighting techniques

Beyond the fighting techniques

Double DVD
Disc 1:
What is Wing Chun &
Chi Sao Footwork & Strategy
Disc 2: Second form Chum Kiu – Counter/Attack technique’s, Arm
Locks -Weapon Disarming.

Dvd 4

The science of close fighting techniques

Double DVD with all the
Wing Chun forms and 
Applications – Chi-Sao
drills & Kali Eskrima/JKD

Dvd 5

Concepts-Hands Drills -Techniques

Double DVD with Sifus
Kastrounis & Regalzi International Wing Chun seminar in the UK.
Disc 1: Concepts-Hands drills Techniques. Disc 2:Wing Chun
forms-Siu Nim Tao -Chum Kiu Biu Gee & advance
forms Long Pole & Double butterflies Knives.

Single & Double DVDs are available for every Wing Chun practitioner, regardless of lineage or experience. Special offer at only £25 each, or £100 for 5 DVDs plus postage.
Payment by PayPal or bank transfer. Please send a message using WhatsApp or alternatively fill out the form below with your request.

Dvd Selection

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